Karis and Daniel, thank you for letting Mommy be gone for so long. I hope that someday I can go back to Turkey and take Daddy and both of you with me.

Craig, mi amor, you deserve my gratitude more than anyone else! Thank you ... you are so good to me. Thank you for freeing me up to have this adventure. Thank you for always being such an incredible husband and father. I don't think they get any better! Te quiero con todo mi corazon.

The Best of Turkey - A Rick Steves' Tour


Rick Steves' ETBD, you have put together a wonderful tour. I loved all the "back door" experiences on this trip. I love the Rick Steves' way of traveling ... small group, no grumps, cultural experiences over shopping, participant responsibility on being on time, ... Thank you!

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Rick Steve's Tours

Thank you to the many people who made this trip so special for me!
Sidar, thank you for so passionately sharing your country with us. Your love for your country exudes from everything you do ... and it's contagious. Your sense of humor entertained us and brought us together. I believe that it is because of you, that this diverse group of people came together as a family, as "cousins." Your teaching skills are excellent ... you always had us captivated. Thank you for being our teacher, our leader, and our "cousin."

Thank you for photos! Neither my slideshows nor this website would be half as good without the photos that so many of my "cousins" shared with me. Thank you to the following people for your photos: the Anderson family, the Stephens family, Sam and Ann, Susan K, Susan P, Rochelle, Jan, and Judy (my mom). Thank you!

David Aguilar - thank you for helping me work out some of the problems in my website.

My mom and I went on another Rick Steves' tour in June of 2007 ... the Best of the Adriatic. See my website.

Thank you for taking the time to browse my website and enjoy my memories of this adventure with me! To contact me: lasabraw@yahoo.com
Thank you also to both Joan and Rafet (Asst. Guide and Bus Driver). I so enjoyed both of you!
SRM Travel, thank you for collaborating with Rick Steves' ETBD to run this tour!
Mom, what can I say? Thank you! Thank you for your generosity in taking me on this trip and thank you for sharing this experience with me. I so appreciate being able to spend this time with you! I love that we got to see different sides of each other than we usually do. Thank you.
"Cousins," I would have enjoyed this tour without you, but you were truly the icing on the cake! I am so glad that each and every one of you were on this trip. You made it what it was. I will always treasure the conversations, adventures, and laughter that I shared with all of you! Thank you for being there. Thank you for making me smile and laugh so much!
Haluk, thank you for giving us such a great first impression of Istanbul, Turkey, and Turks. We thoroughly enjoyed the day you showed us Istanbul. Thank you for your hospitality and generosity. Thank you for sharing our first day and our last evening in Turkey with us!